Through this endpoint is possible to Authorize a credit card transaction



Keep the body params following the same sequence as you see above!


Authorize x Capture

The store's owner will only receive the payment for an authorised transaction when it's captured(or confirmed)

Example of API Response:

    "transactionId": "F1D6E5EC-2D1C-6C43-5C27-F7B12B51D844",
    "operationId": 1,
    "status": 3,
    "message": "AUTHORIZED",
    "log": "",
    "errorCode": "",
    "order": {
        "reference": "123456789",
        "currency": "986",
        "totalAmount": 10000,
        "dateTime": "2019-02-15T11:09:39.492-02:00"
    "processor": {
        "flag": "mastercard",
        "amount": "10000",
        "numberOfPayments": "1",
        "acquirer": "CIELO",
        "acquirerId": "1",
        "urlAuthentication": "",
        "code": "4",
        "message": "Transação autorizada",
        "lr": "00",
        "arp": "123456",
        "nsu": "326891",
        "tid": "1006993069000DA9C6BA",
        "pan": "07TIgQCiIMJ9uDby3dyD7cp8cD8xLd8XuNQ2CqXb5N4=",
        "eci": "0",
        "statusCode": "4",
        "avsResponseCode": "",
        "tokenCard": "0de3b2ca40b4c628f4bccd554c0dfa6621d6b77139c6e7e20246fe4bc4f7140d"
    "transactionId": null,
    "status": {
        "code": 409,
        "message": "ERROR - XML"
    "result": {
        "error": {
            "code": 101,
            "action": "XML",
            "message": "XML ERROR",
            "details": "<![CDATA[Element 'merchantKey': [facet 'minLength'] The value has a length of '0'; this underruns the allowed minimum length of '10'.\n]]>",
            "moreInfo": "<![CDATA[Please check fields format and special character.]]>"

Different Payload examples.
See Credit Card Token.

  "transaction-request": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "verification": {
      "merchantId": "1",
      "merchantKey": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    "authorize": {
      "order": {
        "reference": "123456789",
        "totalAmount": "10000"
      "payment": {
    		"tokenCard": "0de3b2ca40b4c628f4bccd554c0dfa6621d6b77139c6e7e20246fe4bc4f7140d",
        "acquirer": "1",
        "method": "1",
        "amount": "10000",
        "currency": "986",
        "country": "BRA",
        "numberOfPayments": "1",
        "softDescriptor": "Test payload"
      "billing": {
        "customerIdentity": "1",
        "name": "Fulano de Tal",
        "address": "Avenida Federativa, 230",
        "address2": "10 Andar",
        "city": "Mogi das Cruzes",
        "state": "SP",
        "postalCode": "20031170",
        "country": "BR",
        "phone": "114777000",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "urlReturn": "",
      "fraud": "false",
      "customField": "This is a custom field being used"
  "transaction-request": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "verification": {
      "merchantId": "1",
      "merchantKey": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    "authorize": {
      "order": {
        "reference": "123456789",
        "totalAmount": "10000"
      "payment": [
        "acquirer": "1",
        "method": "1",
        "amount": "5000",
        "currency": "986",
        "country": "BRA",
        "numberOfPayments": "1",
        "flag": "mastercard",
        "cardHolder": "Jose Da Silva",
        "cardNumber": "5392947655401104",
        "cardSecurityCode": "438",
        "cardExpirationDate": "201908",
        "saveCreditCard": "true",
        "generateToken": "true",
        "softDescriptor": "Test payload"
        "acquirer": "1",
        "method": "1",
        "amount": "5000",
        "currency": "986",
        "country": "BRA",
        "numberOfPayments": "1",
        "flag": "mastercard",
        "cardHolder": "Yuji Umezaki",
        "cardNumber": "5453010000066100",
        "cardSecurityCode": "123",
        "cardExpirationDate": "201908",
        "saveCreditCard": "true",
        "generateToken": "true",
        "softDescriptor": "Test payload"
      "billing": {
        "customerIdentity": "1",
        "name": "Fulano de Tal",
        "address": "Avenida Federativa, 230",
        "address2": "10 Andar",
        "city": "Mogi das Cruzes",
        "state": "SP",
        "postalCode": "20031170",
        "country": "BR",
        "phone": "114777000",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "urlReturn": "",
      "fraud": "false",
      "customField": "This is a custom field being used"


In case of one of the cards not being authorized

In case of one of the card's authorization fails the other authorization will be canceled automatically


About cents in the evaluation environment

Do not pass amounts with cents in test environments. E.g <amount>1020<amount> (R$10,20), in this case all transaction will be rejected. It should be like this <amount>1000</amount> (R$10,00)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!